Watercolor Painting

Learn the fun of Watercolor Painting!

Share questions and tips with others. Learn various techniques and skills if you're a beginner or improve and share your skills with others if you're more experienced. Share your accomplishments and critiques to improve techniques and skills. Share successes and challenges with others. Join their community of watercolorists as they explore their creativity!

Besides classes and their group session at the Johnson City Senior Center, their activities include occaisional trips to local galleries, museums, artist studios and shows. Join them as they travel to various local shows like Stagecoach Run Festival near Oneonta (July), Colorscape Chenango Arts Festival in Norwich (September), Montrose Arts & Crafts Festival (June), or visit the Golden Plan and Gallery in New Berlin.

They meet at the Johnson City Senior Center on Mondays from 9:30 to 11:30AM. There is a $3.00 instructor fee.

Johnson City Senior Center also offers a Drawing Class on Tuesdays and Oil Painting on Thursdays.