Virtual Activities
The Johnson City Senior Center is excited to offer these virtual programs.
Tai Chi
Presented by our Thursday instructors, Judy Carlson & Betty Cheeseman.
Click here for the Tai Chi video.
Gentle Yoga
Presented by our Monday instructor, Kris Gregory.
Click here for the Gentle Yoga video.
Chair Exercises – from Stronger Seniors
'Stronger Seniors' creates the DVD series that we use for our Chair Exercise class and our Stretch & Strength class.
They have videos available that we have on our You Tube channel.
Click here to check out their videos.
More Chair Exercises
This 15-minute exercise video by the National Institute on Aging at the National Institute of Health is geared towards older adults. It features a warm-up, strength, flexibility and balance exercises; and a cool down.
For equipment, you’ll need a sturdy chair with arms, two equally weighted objects (like dumbbells, soup cans or water bottles), two tennis balls and a towel.
You can watch and follow along. The instructor teaches at a more challenging level with part of the class following her lead and part of the class doing modified versions of the same exercises.
Remember to always listen to your body and do the level that’s appropriate for you.
The Writer's Group
The Writer's Group is continuing to "meet" via email! They've been sending out questions/topics to write about and compiling the responses for all the members of the group to read.
If you're interested in joining them via email to socialize and respond to the topics that they write about, contact the Senior Center at 607-797-3145 to be added to their email distribution list.